Platform Management

73 % of consumers are more likely to buy from brands that are responsive on social media. This requires time and an effort to engage users.

Managing social media is moving closer and closer to a full time endeavor. This is true whether you work for a brand or you own your own business.  While it was once commonplace for businesses to just have someone on staff upload a few pictures to Facebook, businesses quickly learned it was not cost effective, time management effective, and usually resulted in inconsistent postings, boring content and no sense of utilizing each platforms inherent targeting capabilities.


The end result is a page that appears to be neglected and wastes a golden opportunity for your business to reap the benefits of a great social strategy and platform. Someone needs to be representing your brand all day on social media – responding to and engaging with users.  Outsourcing to May Sky Inc. is a perfect cost-effective solution.

Post Schedule.

Our management plans include a detailed posting schedule with each day having designated theme.  Often times we will post different content across multiple platforms and we have specific times of the day we have identified as optimal for posting for each platform.


We are award winning content creators.  Our focus is to develop creative content that will be on brand and engage users.  Your strategy may look good on paper, but it comes alive with strong content.

Post Goal.

Our goal is to create engagement. Whether we are announcing corporate news, offering a coupon, showcasing a product, or promoting an event, reaching a high percentage of followers and targeting new audience is paramount.


It is important to have a budget set aside for advertising and marketing on platforms.  Advertising on Facebook for example, places your ad on the largest platform in the world.  We are then able to drill down to reach niche targets in any geographic area of the world.  The ROI is one of the best in the industry and we know how to identify the right audiences to engage.